The Company SE.MA.TER. Srl - Land and Maritime Services have Head Office in Gaeta (LT) - Italy - Via Sant'Agostino, location Casarevole, snc and was established in the year 1971.
Engaged in the maritime sector has shown, in a particular way, their interest in the conduct of maritime services in the port of Gaeta, Formia and Gaeta harbor employing traditional maritime equipment: Tug boats, pontoons with lattice boom cranes, deck barges for transporting liquids and .
The Company taking care of their Maestranze particularly by raising the technical and organizational skills she gained experience in the field of environmental protection for the rejection of different types, both in terms of prevention and clean-up and remediation activities of sea water, river and lake . For thirty years, providing services to the terminal Oilfield pollution. He carried out the loading and unloading of petroleum products from tankers and ships for both the field Boe that the wharf oils.
Since 1974, seamless, operated on behalf of the American Military Base.
The Company has a management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified and is certified S.O.A. for categories OS 15 class IV and class II OG 12. It is registered in the National Register of Companies that carry out Waste Management under no. RM 1056 / O categ. 1 / E; 1 / D; 4 / F, 5 / F; 8 / F.
In 1986 he began his shipbuilding, maritime state in area, dedicated to the construction of boats from work (tugs, barges, pontoons, etc..) Iron without neglecting the transformation and restructuring of the same. It 'also affected the activity of boat storage.
The property is equipped with shipbuilding slipway and launching of a Travel-Lift, a 'mobile cranes and trucks for the movement of boats
The Company SE.MA.TER. Srl is part of a group of companies that includes the following companies:
CONSORTIUM ECOGOLFO GAETA whose activity is the prevention of marine pollution and reclamation areas of water;
Sofil sas is a company that carries out real estate and financial.